Income Tax Calculator

How much Australian income tax should you be paying?
How much of your salary is yours to keep?

Use the Moneysmart calculator to help you find out which tax threshold you occupy, and to estimate the amount of income tax you will have to pay on your annual salary.

This tool can also be used as an Australian tax return calculator.

Please note that this tool does not take into consideration any tax rebates or tax offsets you may be entitled to. When using the income tax calculator please refer to the disclaimers and assumptions provided by the Moneysmart website.


This page contains links to external websites with the intention of increasing the information available to you, so that you can make informed decisions relating to your finances. Please note that the information provided on these external sites is independent of KIN Finance. Any calculations provided should be used for reference purposes only and should not be relied upon or construed as taxation advice.

For full information on factors that affect your tax, please see the Australian Tax Office

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